Why Are Narcotics Destroying A Nation?
In 2016 alone over 63,600 people have lost their lives to the very prescription medication that was intended to alleviate pain and improve mood or attention. This number exceeds heart disease-related deaths. So why has narcotics become so destructive and ruining lives across this beautiful nation of ours?

Narcotics Are Incredibly Addictive.
All narcotic prescription medications are given a classification base on the rate of use, side effects, abuse, and mortality rates. Base on these requirements a drug can be categorized as one of the following:
Schedule 1 or CI -are illegal drugs because they have high abuse potential, no medical use. Note: Marijuana is also included as a Class 1 drug despite it being legal in some states and it is used as a medicinal drug in some states.
For a full list of Schedule 1 drugs visit: https://www.drugs.com/article/csa-schedule-1.html
Schedule 2 or CII- has a high potential for abuse and dependence but unlike Schedule 1 drugs are used daily in medicine.
For a full list of Schedule 2 drugs visit: http://www.mac-bsa.org/Post/sections/85/Files/Schedule%20II%20drugs.pdf
* Note this list contains medication from around the world.
Schedule 3 or CIII- has a lower (potential) for abuse than drugs in the first two schedule. CIII drugs are as follows: Ketamine, Anabolic steroids,Testosterone
For a full list of Schedule 3 drugs visit:https://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/21cfr/cfr/1308/1308_13.htm
Schedule 4 or CIV- has a low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence. Some of these meditations are: alprazolam (Xanax), carisoprodol (Soma), clonazepam (Klonopin), clorazepate (Tranxene), diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan), midazolam (Versed), temazepam (Restoril), and triazolam (Halcion).
For a full list of Schedule 4 or CIV at https://www.drugs.com/schedule-4-drug
Schedule 5 or CV- This is the class has the lowest potential of abuse and most medication that are in the category are not often prescribed. Some examples of are:cough preparations with less than 200 milligrams of codeine or per 100 milliliters (Robitussin AC), Lomotil, Motofen, Lyrica, Parepectolin
For a full list of Schedule 1 drugs visit https://www.drugs.com/schedule-5-drugs.html
Even though medication has put into these categories, the rate of abuse and misuse has not ceased or at the very least lowered over the years. If anything putting these medications into categories has increased the likely hood of abuse due to the difficulty of getting medication, how much of this medication is given at a time, and addictive components.
Children Are Introduced To Narcotics At An Early Age!

From infancy, children are already exposed to narcotics either from IV's during labor or anywhere after they are delivered. The doses may be small and not enough to affect the child but their bodies are slowly building up resistance to some of the most common medications.
According to NIH "some children are already abusing drugs at age 12 or 13, which likely means that some begin even earlier. Early abuse often includes such substances as tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, marijuana, and prescription drugs such as sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medicines." Read More at https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/preventing-drug-abuse-among-children-adolescents-in-brief/chapter-1-risk-factors-protective-factors/when-how-does-drug-abuse-start-progress
Improper Medical Care.
Our doctors, Nurse Practitioners, and other healthcare professionals whose intention is to provide the best medical care possible often prescribe controlled substance to treat and help their patients out of the goodness of their hearts but, when there is good, there will always be evil.
On July 13, 2017 The Sun Sentinel a local paper of South Florida posted an article titled "South Florida's drug treatment industry spotlighted in health care fraud take-down." In this article major addiction treatment facilities were shut down and staff arrested for fraudulent claims of treatment. In other words, the companies that were supposed to treat patients suffering from addiction did not receive the care they were promised and was charged a substantial amount of money. Keep in mind this is just one example.
Another example is during what is now known as the Pain Clinic Scandal. Many doctors would set up shop and prescribe narcotic medication for pain mostly Schedule 2 to any and everyone as long as they were paid and due to this many individuals became dependent on this medications and is now finding any way possible to have this medication.
There are many more examples of drug addiction because of the medical profession. For a full list of cases visit https://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/crim_admin_actions/doctors_criminal_cases.pdf
Simple Methods To Help Prevent Narcotic Abuse
There are a three simple and affordable methods of preventing narcotic abuse:
Keeping narcotic medication away from minors or regulation their medication if prescribed and needed. You can do so by placing medication in a secure location or safe that is temperature controlled to prevent ruining the medication.
Taking medication at the appropriate recommended times by using an automated dispensing device or pill box.
Properly disposing of all unused medication so they cannot be reused or damage the environment.
There are many other factors that influence drug addiction but the list above is something everyone can help to prevent the next fatality from prescription drugs.
If you or a love one is suffering from an addiction bellow is a list of free to paid resources to help combat drug addiction. Remember Savers drug addiction affects more than just one person it affects this nation so do your part to help combat this epidemic. Also please comment on this article to help improve our country one step at a time.
Drug Addiction Assistance Programs